H5Write: An Introduction

H5Write: An Introduction

Pronk Media uses H5Build and H5Write to create hundreds of cost-effective engaging activities and games for educational publishers. Contact us for more information. H5Write is a free authoring portal for the H5Engines development platform. It is easy to get started:...
Hello from Engage!

Hello from Engage!

Welcome to our community of creators. We are here to support you in your mission to find ever-new and better ways to engage your audience. Our Team at Pronk Media created H5Engines because we wanted better tools for e-learning creators. For decades, we have dreamed of...
MorphSVG: Triangles, Circles and Hexagons

MorphSVG: Triangles, Circles and Hexagons

View it Full Size See how this mesmerizing little animation can be created in H5Build with just 9 tweens. We use Morph SVG and a carefully constructed Adobe Illustrator file to create an animation sequence that seems far more complicated than it is. As is often the...